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The Marriage Education & Resource Center

Strengthening families… one marriage at a time.

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4 days ago

A virtual workshop in case you are interested. Monday, March 24Virtual MarriageEnrichment Group8:15pm to 9:30pm ESTTopic: Warning SignsJoin Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 848 8625 8078Passcode: 539596Find documents for the meeting here See MoreSee Less
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About MERCY's founders

Meet the Hudsons

David and Penny established the Marriage Education & Resource Center in 2004 to help couples make their marriages the best they can be.

David and Penny have been married for over 50 years, and their passion for marriage education grew out of their own marital struggles.

“About ten years into our marriage we went through a terrible period of discontent in our relationship. We wanted our marriage to work, but we really didn’t have the knowledge or skills to make it better. After going to counseling, which didn’t work because of our own self-centeredness, we received a brochure in the mail about a marriage enrichment program that was being held at a local church. At that time, I wasn’t a Christian and we were not involved in church. But we went, and God used it to literally change our lives and our marriage,” Penny shared.

As a result, the Hudson’s have spent the past years developing their relationship with God and learning and teaching others how to have happier, healthier marriages. They are Marriage Educators and are certified in nationally recognized programs, such as PREPARE/ENRICH, FOCCUS/REFOCCUS, Covenant Marriage, How to Avoid Falling For A Jerk or Jerkette , L.I.N.K.S. (Lasting Intimacy through Nurturing Knowledge And Skills), PREP/Christian PREP (Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program), and Better Marriages.

In addition, they are founders of a church-based program called “Coupletime.” Penny has written numerous articles on marriage and family relationships that have appeared in national and regional publications.

“Marriage is a journey. It’s our mission, through the Marriage Education & Resource Center, and with the help of lay mentors, to help couples prepare for marriage, assist those who are married as they move through the various stages of their relationship and re-direct those who may have lost their way,” David concluded.