October 2013 Newsletter From The Marriage Education and Resource Center (MERCY) |
When we started MERCY, one of our desires and prayers was to be an instrument to direct people to the resources they may need to help strengthen, enhance or even save some marriages. We knew there were so many helps available yet so many people weren’t aware of them. If we could just be that link we would be forever grateful. The Lord can do so much with our feeble efforts. He has done more than we could have imagined. Here are just a few emails we’ve received in the past few weeks:
“MERCY has been an instrumental tool in the resurrection of our marriage. My wife and I were scared and out of answers. We just didn’t have the tools necessary to understand each other’s attempts at keeping our marriage together. We started attending MERCY;s workshops out of a deep desire to save our marriage, and it was the best choice we could have made. MERCY has given us tools that we have utilized over time to both enhance the quality of our marriage, and to strengthen our commitment to the same through the eyes of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We went from simply attending out of necessity, to a point where we look forward each month to learning new marriage enhancement skills and meeting new people. No amount of thanks can express the amount of gratitude we feel for the gift of love that MERCY has shown us. We both thank you very much.”
– Yours in Christ
“I’m sure I’m speaking on behalf of other couples as well, but words cannot express what an impact MERCY has on making differences in marriages. I would have never heard about any of these programs/workshops/etc. had I not discovered MERCY.”
“. . .The Lord has given us both a fresh perspective and renewed heart for this relationship.”
Thank you Lord. Thanks to each of you for blessing us in so many ways.
Grace and peace,
Penny and David Hudson
Marriage Tip
“Assumptions are the termites of relationships.”
– Henry Winkler
A great group turned out to see HOME RUN, the movie. The feedback was so positive we hope to be able to bring you additional movies in the future.
Next Date Night Coming This Winter
Julia, our Date Night Coordinator, is planning another fun night for couples with MERCY’s first Couple’s Chili Cook Off this winter! More details coming soon! Will you be the one who win’s the golden ladle?
Ten-City Tour by the Family Foundation
We would like to give a big shout out to the Kentucky Family Foundation on their unprecedented Kentucky Ten City Marriage Tour. It invited hundreds of pastors from all denominations to attend 10 briefings, with Mike McManus from Marriage Savers, on creating Community Marriage Policies in their areas. It’s proven that churches that take this step experience a dramatic drop in the divorce rate.
With Kentucky having the third highest divorce rate in 2011 among the 50 states, this is certainly something that is desperately needed. It’s our prayer more churches will become passionate about marriage ministry.
If you are a pastor, or are passionate about marriage, and did not get an opportunity to attend one of these briefings, we would suggest you get in touch with Greg Williams with the Kentucky Marriage Movement. His email is: gdubya31@yahoo.com or you can call the Family Foundation at: 1-859-255-5400.
Put a Little Warmth in Your Marriage
The days are getting cooler and it’s almost sweater-weather. Ever wish you could generate an extra layer of warmth in your marriage? If so, try on a few of these ideas and see if things get a little cozier.
Re-establish something you used to do enjoy
Turn back the pages of your marriage for a few moments and think about where your love began. What were you doing? Why was it enjoyable and exciting? What mutual interests do you share? Granted, circumstances change and an activity you both used to enjoy may no longer appeal to you. If this is the case, try to establish something new you could enjoy together.
Call, text, email one another daily
Small gestures can often revamp a marriage. One lady said, “It’s knowing he’s thinking of me; that I’m important enough for him to take time out of his busy schedule. He may say nothing more than, ‘Hey, just wanted to see how your day was going?”
Share a journal
I recently read about a couple who share a journal. Since their schedules seldom meshed, their journal was a romantic meeting place for them. They left it open on the nightstand for the other to read and respond. By jotting down a thought here, a feeling there, they could share in one another’s world.
Compliment your spouse in front of others
Few things please us as much as having someone say something nice about us in front of others.
Show an interest in a spouse’s interest
When couples are dating, each will not hesitate to join in those activities that are important to the spouse-to-be, but once we marry, things change. Often we begin to pursue our own interests. In Willard Harley’s book His Needs/Her Needs, he points out the importance of being recreational companions. He says, “The couple that plays together, stays together.”
Begin a new habit
How good are your listening skills? Are you willing to hear what your spouse has to say without interrupting or straightening him out? Have goodnight kisses been replaced with snores? Whatever happened to holding hands? how generous are you with hugs? Are you as dependable as you used to be? How are you doing in the areas of patience, kindness and self-control?
Is there a behavior, a new habit you can adopt, or an old one you can let go of that could enhance your relationship?
Perhaps if we complained less and blessed more we would see a huge difference. If you put one of these in place, we’d love to hear about your results.
Upcoming Marriage Events and Family Opportunties
The Art of Marriage
The Art of Marriage event consists of video sessions that combine dramatic stories, real-life testimonies, expert interviews, humorous vignettes and other teaching methods to lay out God’s design for marriage in a fresh, engaging way.
October 18-19
Okolona Christian Church
10801 Faithful Way
Louisville, KY 40229
For additional information: Call (502) 962-6500
Growing In Love
Most of us enter marriage by the way of the “in love” experience. At
it’s peak, the “in love” experience is euphoric. We have been led
to believe that if we are really “in love,” it will last forever. Over time,
the “in love” feelings begin to fade and we may begin to ask, “Did
we have the real thing?” Dr. Chapman says if we do not
understand this “in love” experience, it can lead to divorce.
David and I are excited to be offering a workshop on this topic:
Saturday, October 19 – 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Henry Christian Church
136 Castle Highway
Eminence, KY 40019
If you have not gone through this workshop, they invite you to join us.
Playing the Night Away – Kid’s Night Out at Oldham County Family YMCA
20 Quality Place (off Hwy. 146)
Buckner, KY 40010
If you could use a night out as a couple, let the Y watch the kids while you spend some time together. The kids will have fun playing games, doing crafts, swimming and much more. They even provide the dinner.
When: October 18 – Funky Junk
November 15 – Cooking Up Some Fun
December 13 – Santa’s Workshop “2nd Friday”
Time: 5:30 – 11:00 p.m.
Who: Kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade
Cost: $18 per child for facility members, $34 for 2 children
$20 per child for program members, $38 for 2 children
Registration deadline is the Wednesday prior to each Kid’s Night Out. Minimum of 10 kids required or event will be cancelled. Walk-ins and late registrations cannot be accepted in order to maintain safe ratios in the pool area and ensure adequate supplies.
For more information, or to register, call: (502) 222-9358
Corn Maze
Come join the fun Fridays from 5pm to 10pm, Saturdays from 1pm to 10pm and Sundays from 1pm to 6pm. Admission is $10 for adults and children over 13, $5 for children 5-12, and FREE for kids under the age of 4! Enjoy hayrides,games, and 12+ acres divided into 3 separate mazes that challenge visitors of all ages. Weekdays are available to groups by appointment. Contact info@lifeadventurecenter.org for more details!
How Their Marriages Were Saved/Enhanced
 Did you know that most couples will go through a period the “experts” call the misery stage? It’s what they do at this point that can make or break a marriage. We hope you will join us as a few couples share their different stories. We think you will be inspired.
October 26 – 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Baptist Health – LaGrangediv>
2nd Floor Conference Room
1025 New Moody Lane
LaGrange, KY 40031
Weekend to Remember
This getaway weekend is a time to be together as a couple to invest in and strengthen the foundation of your marriage, no matter how firm or fragile it is. By getting away from the distractions of life, you can fortify your most important relationship and work toward building wonderful memories together, for decades to come.
The regular registration fee is $149 per person, however if you register using our group name, MECY, the registration fee is only $89.99 per person. This fee does not include overnight accommodations. (There is a special $105/night at The Galt House for this event.)
November 15-17
Galt House Hotel
“Experiencing Forgiveness in Marriage”
Forgiveness is a choice. We choose life for ourselves
and others when we forgive. Is it always easy? No.
But it is healing. Please join us as
Michael Taylor, LMFT, will be helping us
experience forgiveness in this workshop.
November 9 – 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Baptist Health – Louisville, KY
2nd Floor by Cafeteria Seating Area
4000 Kresge Way
Louisville, KY 40207
New Resources At MERCY
How We Love by Milan and Kay Yerkovich
Practical Help for Building a Stronger, More Passionate Marriage
Every adult bears an “imprint of intimacy”- an inner sense of how much emotional vulnerability they can risk based on childhood lessons about handling their feelings and needs. Those past experiences shape your behavior, beliefs, and expectations of all current relationships, especially marriage.
The 7 Minute Marriage Solution by Stephen Arterburn
Drawing from an extensive national survey of more than 1,300 men and women, best-selling author Stephen Arterburn first reveals 7 things you must stop doing that damage your marriage. Second, he presents 7 positive things you must start doing to build a great marriage. But most important: he tells you what to do if your spouse is not willing to do anything.

Contact Information |
The Marriage Education and Resource Center (MERCY)
7204 Hwy. 329
Crestwood, KY 40014
(502) 939-0121
visit: www.mercky.org
Thank you for your active involvement in this ministry. We hope you will visit our web site often as we are constantly adding new information. We also hope you will read our Monday Morning Blogs. If we can help you in any way, please get in touch with us.
Grace and peace,
Penny and David Hudson