My husband, David, and I met at a YMCA dance. I was 14 and he was 17. We flirted with each other and we danced. Oh, how I loved to dance. Well that was 50 years ago. For my birthday this year, David suggested the kids get me a CD by John Denver. I had recently mentioned I wish they made songs like his again. That’s one of the things I love about my husband. He is attentive to the little things. This morning he put on the CD. It was “Annie’s Song.” That’s one of my favorites. I said, “Let’s dance.” We did and it was special. For a few moments it took me back to that first time we danced when I was 14 and he was 17, but so much richer now. Time and memories will do that. I told him, “This is where we came in. This is where we began many years ago.” I hope you have those special moments. If you haven’t for awhile, why not make one today.