December Newsletter from The Marriage Education and Resource Center (MERCY) |
Well another birthday has come and gone, and as usual, I was pampered by my family more than I deserved. Our granddaughter particularly made my day. She gave me a card she had made that said: “5 things Nana does nice for us all.” Then, she listed 5 things and added one more that read: “Bonus! – Doing fun things with us.” What a blessing. With my love language being affirmation that was so special, and of course, it made me want to go to the moon and back for her if she asked.
In addition to your regular gifts for Christmas, why not tuck a card in one of them to your spouse that says, “5 Things you do that’s nice for us.” And while you are at it, why not include a little bonus.
Grace and peace,
Marriage Tip
In the event your spouse leans more toward the funny side of life, like my husband, accept it as their way of showing love. Some guys are just like that. For example, our grandson’s birthday card to me read, “Be good on your birthday, or the monster will bite you.” I had to laugh out loud.
2014 Workshops
- March 15, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. – “How to Build a More Companionship Marriage,” Penny and David Hudson, Certified Marriage Educators – Baptist Health – Louisville, KY
* April 26, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. – “Crucial Conversations,” Irene Justiniano, Business Consultant – Baptist Health – Louisville,KY
* May 17, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.- “The Need Bank,“ Joyce Oglesby, Radio Talk Show Host of Just Ask Joyce, a respected speaker, author of family nourishing books, Today’s Woman columnist and radio and former TV personality – Baptist Health – Louisville, KY
- June 21, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. – “Resolving Everyday Conflict,” – John Baker, Associate Pastor of Education and Discipleship at Shively Baptist Church – Baptist Health – LaGrange, KY
- July 19, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. – “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough and GOSH DARN IT people like me” – “Building Your Mate’s Self-Esteem,” – Heather Brooks, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist – Baptist Health – Louisville, KY
- August 23, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. – “I Want to Know What Love Is,” Greg Williams – Director of Marriage Outreach for The Family Foundation – Baptist Health – LaGrange, KY
- September 20, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. – “When Personalities and Expectations Clash,“ Lauren Battcher, Healthy Marriage Instructor and Case Manager with Multi-Purpose Community Action Agency – Baptist Health- Louisville, KY
- October 25, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. – “Three Exits to Avoid on the Road to Marital Contentment,” Glenn Williams, Pastoral Care and Counseling Minister and Executive Director of St. Matthews Pastoral Counseling – Baptist Health – Louisville, KY
- November 15, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. – “How We Love,” Dr. Valerie Vincent, Pastoral Counselor – Baptist Health, Louisville, KY
We will be mailing out hard copies of these flyers. If you are not currently on our mailing list and would like to receive these in hand to give to others, place on bulletin boards, break rooms, community centers, restaurants, churches, doctor/dentist offices, counselor’s lobbies, etc. please send us a note via email at pdhud9@aol.com and give us your mailing address. Thank you!
In addition to our workshops, we also have some great date nights planned for you. Our first one in 2014 will be a Couple’s Chili Cookoff, along with some fun and games, on Saturday, February 1 at 4:00 p.m. at Kavanaugh Life Enrichment Center – Dining Hall, 7505 Kavanaugh Road, Crestwood, KY 40014. Come see if you can win the golden ladle and a bonus prize as well. So, save that date and plan to join us!
Chili Cook Off
We have a great lineup of speakers and topics for you for 2014.
Please plan on joining us as often as possible. Those who do attend on a regular basis tell us how useful these monthly programs have been in enhancing their marriages.
Real Mom’s Conference
Ever compared your motherhood bloopers to someone else’s highlight reels? It’s exhausting! Time for a weekend at The Real Mom’s Conference. Come and get renewed, equipped, loved and get authentic. It will do you good. There will also be breakout sessions, one of which is “Renewing Your Marriage.”
Keynote Speaker: Tammy Head
Comedian: Amy Barnes
Worship Music: Heather Payne formerly of Point of Grace
March 7-8, 2014
Crestwood Baptist Church
6400 Sweetbay Drive
Crestwood, KY 40014
Take advantage of the early registration discount.
Kentucky Profiting from Divorce-Proofing Marriages
Following is an excerpt from a program put on by CBN News (700 Club) on what the Family Foundation in Kentucky and others are doing to fight divorce head on.
“Dying marriages hurt more than just family members. They can cost taxpayers, make communities less attractive to businesses and even drive up the crime rate.”
The Family Foundation invited Michael McManus, a man whose organization Marriage Savers, has found concrete ways to preserve marriages. They took him around the state for five days meeting with hundreds of pastors in an effort to get them to fight wholeheartedly for solid, lasting marriages.
David and I had the privilege of being a part of this broadcast. If you’d like to see this full story, please click on the following link:
Kentucky Profiting from Divorce-Proofing Marriages
Rock Your Marriage
Who doesn’t want a marriage that rocks? Most, however, struggle with how to get there. That, of course, is our mission at MERCY; i.e., to make marriages healthy and strong. And we try to do that in a number of ways. For example, we offer private mentoring, monthly workshops, date nights, a resource center, referrals, small groups and working with churches. Another way, is this newsletter and trying to connect you to tips that can have a positive impact on your marriage.
Kristen Welch from http://www.wearethatfamily.com offers some suggestions for spouses to get from where they are to where they want to be. Here is a small sampling from her list of 100 tips which you can access by clicking on the link above.
- Write letters (you know, the actual pen and paper sort of thing.)
- Pray together
- Kiss in front of the kids
- Kiss every day
- Be spontaneous
A couple more links, with some inspiring thoughts, are from Marriage Missions – one list for wives and another for husbands. Check ’em out.
National Marriage Week
Did you know that February 7-14 is considered National Marriage Week in the United States? Cities across the nation, provide special marriage events for couples during that week. We encourage you to take an opportunity to see what they have to offer at:
In addition, on this web site you will find fun, free quizzes, kits, tips and ideas to strengthen your marriages.
Love S.M.A.R.T. Healthy Relationships Program The Multi-Purpose Community Action Agency will once again be offering a free marriage and relationship skill-building program. This interactive 10-week program teaches decision making, communication and conflict resolution skills to improve and strengthen family relationships. All participants receive a free meal and $10 gas card at each class. Participants that attend all 10 weekly classes receive a $50 Walmart gift card at the last class. Classes are offered year-round in Shelbyville and Shepherdsville. Shepherdsville’s next class begins January 6 (6:00 – 8:30 p.m.). Participants must register beforehand by calling 502-543-4077 and scheduling a registration appointment, or visiting: http://www.mpcaa.org/LoveSmart.html.
New Books for Check-out at MERCY’S Lending Library
Written by respected pastor and marriage counselor Dave Carder, this revised and expanded version of Torn Asunder sorts through the factors that contribute to infidelity and then maps out a recovery process for both partners. With compassion and wisdom rooted in the Bible, Carder offers insight for the victims of adultery the perpetrators and those who seek to help hurting couples.
 Do you want to stop the pain in your marriage? This book will lead you out of the maze of bitterness, disillusionment and hurt. George Kenworth a senior pastor for 32 years and one who has taught at Trinity International University, Denver Seminary and Bethel Seminary, has a passion for rescuing marriages. He tells us that hundreds of marriages have been rescued when couples got the answers right. Before you give up, he encourages, you in this book, to answer three simple questions.
As a stepdad, you’ve taken on a heroic challenge. Leading stepfamily expert Ron Deal equips you to navigate the stepparenting minefield with everyday advice on how to connect with your stepchildren, be a godly role model and maintain a strong bond with your wife. He will also give stepdads wisdom for handling tricky issues such as discipline, dealing with your wife’s ex, and more. This is a survival guide that every stepfather needs to succeed.

We want to thank one of our MERCY participants for donating this book to MERCY. As a pastor’s wife and mother of two adorable children, Mary Southerland had a life filled with wonderful things. . .until clinical depression brought her world crashing down. Mary found herself in a dark pit of despair, but she also slowly discovered the way out. In this book she offers biblical insight and practical steps to freedom with the refreshing transparency of someone who has been there and intimately knows the pain of what one and one’s family is dealing with when depression hits.
This is another book donated by one of our participants. If You’re Angry and You Know It, is written for children and gives them ideas on how to handle their anger.
Anyone for a Cruise?

Family Life presents their 4th annual Love Cruise –
February 10-14, 2014
You will travel from Miami, Florida to Grand Turk Island.
Powerful Speakers
Daily Concerts
Christian Fellowship
Pools and Hot Tubs and
much more.
If interested, visit:
LoveLikeYouMeanIt Cruise.com
or call to book
As we sign off for this year, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas. Thank you for being with us in 2013 and we hope to be able to serve you even better in the coming year.
Grace and peace,
Penny and David Hudson
Contact Information |
The Marriage Education and Resource Center (MERCY)
7204 Hwy. 329
Crestwood, KY 40014
(502) 939-0121
Email: pdhud9@aol.com