A Marriage in Crisis
Just a couple of weeks ago she called in tears. I went over some options with her on how to try to get her marriage back on track. “I want to do all of these,” she said. When one isRead More »A Marriage in Crisis
Just a couple of weeks ago she called in tears. I went over some options with her on how to try to get her marriage back on track. “I want to do all of these,” she said. When one isRead More »A Marriage in Crisis
Our son is getting married in a few weeks. He’s the baby of the family. He’s an adult and a great and responsible guy. But as his mom, I’m having a hard time letting go. However, I know I needRead More »The Shift from Single to Married for a Mom
One of the counselors we often refer couples to posted something on face book that really got my attention. It was from the famous John Gottman. I’ve read his books, but this particular issue hit me. It’s kinda that ‘lightRead More »How are you responding, or are you not?