I’ve been working on trying to be more humble. Isn’t it funny how when you pray about something the Lord gives you plenty of opportunities to practice what you are asking for? Well, today was one of those days. We had only been up a few hours when our first disagreement started. It just so happened it was as we walked in the doors of church.
Disagreement #1 – “Look. They have taken down the extra set of doors,” I said.
“I don’t remember there being another set of doors,” my husband replied.
“Well there was. I remember there have always been four greeters – two at each set of doors.”
Disagreement #2 – I leaned over and mentioned to my husband that the man who just spoke sounded a lot like our neighbor Todd.”
David replied, “He did not.”
“Well, I think he did!”
Thank goodness the service started or things could have gotten ugly.
On the way out of church, the door debate started came up again. “You mean there was another set of doors?” David asked.
“Yes,” I replied.
“Well, it’s just going to make the hallway and sanctuary colder in the winter,” he commented.
Probably true, but no need to comment on this one. I’m thinking, “Leave it to the maintenance crew to figure it out.”
Do you ever have those silly arguments? This is where humility can come in. I didn’t say I was there yet. I’m working on it. But I know I need to be able to control how I respond. I don’t need to try to prove I’m right and he’s wrong. This is so hard sometimes. But some things just aren’t worth the high cost and are simply futile and unnecessary. Is it better to win the argument or cause a rift in your relationship?
I’m reminded of 2 Timothy 2:23-25, “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. . .”
So there you have it. Another peek inside our marriage where we are continually learning and striving to do better. Just because you may have a lot of knowledge about relationships, doesn’t mean you are on top of things all the time. We are fellow strugglers just like many others.
Grace and peace,
Penny and David