Are you and your spouse ever at polar ends of the spectrum on a subject? We have found ourselves in this situation many times and neither of us was able to convince the other our way was the best. We pray about it and often the Lord will impress on one of us that we need to see the situation from the other’s perspective. Sometimes, however, the Lord seems silent, or maybe we fail to wait on the Lord; in those situations, we give the other a “love offering.” If our spouse feels very strongly about a situation and it’s not immoral, illegal or out of our budget, we often give in to the other because we know how passionate he/she is about a particular issue. Years ago I wanted our daughter to go to a particular school, but my husband wasn’t in favor of it. But because he knew it was really important to me, he agreed. Another time my husband wanted to buy a scooter and I was not in favor of that decision. However, because it was something I knew he would enjoy and really felt strongly about it, I in turn, gave in on this one. Just a thought for when you seem to be at a crossroads on what decision to make.